Children's Ministry
At Mt. Beulah we enjoy spending time with children of all ages!
We offer many classes for children and hope you will allow us the privilege of teaching your young ones how to love and follow Jesus. In these classes, they will have Bible lessons, sing songs, play games and participate in arts & crafts, all while having fun learning about God.
Your child’s safety is of utmost importance! Mt. Beulah requires each child to be signed in/out via KID CHECK. We also require a background check on each adult teacher and assistant. For assistance and direction please see the adult greeter at the entrance of the Children’s Educational Wing.
Sunday Classes:
Sunday School 9:30am – 10:30am
0 - 1 yr. old - Infants
2 - 3 yr. old - Toddlers
4 yr. - 1st grade - Preschool
2nd - 5th grades - Elementary
Children’s Church
Age 3 to 2nd grade children assemble for a ‘KIDZ’ time of learning during Sunday morning and evening corporate worship.
Junior Church
3rd through 6th graders are encouraged to attend a time of worship and study that takes
place during Sunday morning worship in preparation for adult worship.
A nursery is provided for babies and toddlers for all Sunday morning services.
0 - 1 yr. old - Infants Room
2 - 3 yr. old - Toddlers Room